Hello again!
Wow. I cannot believe it. It’s been two months since the last post on this blog. Thanks to all of you who reached out to find out why it’s been so quiet here. There is a simple reason. Sometime around New Year, I realised that I was due for a creative break from writing. It’s a ton of fun to run a blog with so many awesome readers. Still, writing got a bit harder in the last quarter of 2012. I decided to take an inventory: 196 posts over 1.5 years. That’s a lot of ink on paper! Blogging should be fun and the decision to take a step back and focus on other things for a while was surprisingly easy. I have used the time to start a few different projects including a new photography blog along with a new posterbook publication.

Next steps
Is the Performance Ideas blog done? Nope. I will be back in a while. The focus will probably shift a little bit. In my new role at OSIsoft, I focus on real-time data and the according analytics. There are a ton of interesting stories and best practices.
Guest posts
In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to submit guest posts, ideas, inspirations and stories. Stay tuned for updates!
2 responses to “Updates and greetings”
That’s a phenomenal level of output, Christoph. It’s been great to see how you’ve blended your personal and professional interests into a compelling package that’s been beneficial to you on both fronts. Congrats and keep at it!
Thanks, Delaney! Especially thanks for your encouragement, support and all the great ideas.